Address Confidentiality Program

Persons attempting to escape from domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking situations frequently establish new addresses in order to prevent their assailants from finding them. The Address Confidentiality Program will allow victims who move to a new location the opportunity to keep that address confidential.

The purpose of the New Hampshire Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is to enable state and local agencies to respond to requests for public records without disclosing the location of a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. The ACP will also enable interagency cooperation with the Attorney General in providing address confidentiality for domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault victims. Lastly, the ACP will enable state and local agencies to accept a program participant's use of an address designated by the Attorney General as a substitute address.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does the program provide?

The program allows its participants to use the ACP substitute address whenever they obtain state and local services (a driver's license, food stamps, Medicaid, car registration etc.). Participants can also use the address to have other first class mail (with the exception of packages) forwarded to them from the substitute address to their actual, confidential, location.

The program will also allow participants, who are otherwise eligible to vote, to apply to vote as an absentee voter. Additionally, neither the participant's name or address shall appear on any list of registered voters made available to the public.

What are the eligibility guidelines?

The ACP is intended to help victims who have permanently left abusive situations and are living in a location unknown to their abuser. This means that the victim should have recently moved or is planning on moving in the near future. Additionally, the victim should not have created any local or state records using the new address they wish to keep confidential. ACP services are not retroactive and cannot provide confidentiality or protection if records have already been created with the new address.

Any adult person, a parent or guardian acting on behalf of a minor or guardian acting on behalf of an incapacitated person, may apply to the program if they are a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking and meet the eligibility guidelines. Having a restraining order, criminal charges pending or even reporting the abuse to law enforcement are not required in order to participate in the ACP.

Am I eligible?

Here are a few questions you should ask yourself if you think the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) might be an appropriate program for you:

  • Are you a victim or parent/guardian of a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking?
  • Do you live in New Hampshire? (must live in New Hampshire in order to participate)
  • Have you recently moved to a permanent location where your abuser or assailant does not know where you live? If not are you planning on relocating in the next few weeks?
  • Do you work where the abuser or assailant knows? (ACP won't work if the abuser/assailant knows where the victim goes to school or works and has a way to track them down)
  • Have you created any state or local government documents (driver's license, car registration, food stamps, state assistance, registered to vote etc.) using your current residential address? If so are you planning on moving to a new address in a few weeks?
  • Are you willing to make the ACP your agent to receive mail and legal documents? This means you cannot evade your legal responsibilities (subpoena, divorce or custody orders, arrest warrant etc.). This also means that the ACP must always know how to reach you by mail and phone.
  • Can you manage if your mail (including state assistance checks, child support etc.) are delayed by as much as 5-7 days?
  • Will the ACP substitute address actually help minimize a particular danger or risk?

If you answered "NO" to any of these questions then the ACP may not be appropriate for you.

What must I do?

Since the ACP is only one piece of someone overall safety plan, the law mandates that anyone interested in applying for the program access one of the 14 crisis centers in New Hampshire for consultation and assistance. It is very important that the applicants have the opportunity to discuss their situation with a trained domestic violence, stalking and/or sexual assault advocate to explain all of the options and services available to them.

The services provided by crisis centers are free, confidential and available regardless of age, race gender or sexual orientation. Some of the services include:

  • Safety planning
  • 24-hour hotline access
  • Emergency shelter and transportation
  • Legal advocacy in obtaining restraining order
  • Hospital and court accompaniment
  • Information and referrals to other service agencies
  • Information on obtaining a legal name or social security number change

For domestic violence/stalking call toll free 1-866-644-3574 to be connected to the crisis center nearest you. For sexual assault/stalking call toll free 1-800-277-5570. You can also access a list of the crisis centers online at the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV) website.

The ACP is not a crisis center or direct service agency and cannot provide any of the above named services. If you are looking for more information specifically on the program and the services it provides you can contact the ACP by calling (603) 271-1284.