Civil Law Bureau

The Civil Law Bureau is contained within the Department of Justice and serves as legal counsel to over 100 executive departments and agencies of State government under RSA 7 and RSA 21-M.

The individual State agencies and state statutes can be viewed at the New Hampshire State Government website. The attorneys in the civil bureau represent the state and its agencies before State and Federal Courts and in administrative proceedings. Civil Law Bureau attorneys also provide legal advice and opinions to executive branch agencies. Please see the Department's recent news releases for the latest activities.

Civil Law Bureau attorneys may not provide legal advice or opinions to individual citizens. However, you may view the contact points to organizations that may provide representation by clicking on the Civil Law Bureau's Frequently Asked Questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a lawyer in a civil matter when I don't have any money?

The following organizations may be able to help you:

How do I talk to a lawyer concerning my problem?

Contact Law line at 1-800-868-1212 on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6-8 p.m. for free legal advice.

How do I get a copy of a New Hampshire law?

Is there is a law in New Hampshire concerning a particular matter?

Contact a lawyer using the referrals referenced above, the New Hampshire State Library, Reference and Information Services or see New Hampshire Revised Statutes Online.