For Immediate Release
Date: February 01, 2022


Geoffrey W.R. Ward, Sr. Assistant Attorney General - Chief, Criminal Justice Bureau
(603) 271-3671 |

Release of Semi-Annual Report Issued by the Independent Compliance Overseer for St. Paul’s School

Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella announces the release of the January 2022 semi-annual report authored by the Independent Compliance Overseer for St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire.

Please find the report here:

On September 13, 2018, the Attorney General’s Office entered into a Settlement Agreement with St. Paul's School. The Agreement resolved this Office's investigation into St. Paul's School without a criminal proceeding in order to facilitate the protection of children at St. Paul's School, and to ensure a system of accountability, oversight, transparency, and training at the school.

The Agreement called for the oversight of St. Paul's School for a period of up to five years and included the selection of a Compliance Overseer who would be embedded on the St. Paul's School campus and tasked with reporting at least bi-annually to the Attorney General’s Office regarding St. Paul’s School’s compliance with all of the terms of the Agreement.

The Agreement can be found here: