For Immediate Release
Date: March 13, 2023


Michael S. Garrity, Director of Communications
(603) 931-9375 |
Matthew G. Conley, Attorney, Election Law Unit
(866) 868-3703 |

Election Law Unit Update on Unidentified Political Advertising Ahead of Tomorrow's Town Elections

Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella and the Attorney General's Election Law Unit provides the following update regarding political advertising that does not identify who is responsible for it:

  • In Haverhill, an unidentified party has issued a mailer, which includes opposition to two warrant articles that will be considered at the March 18 Haverhill Town Meeting, that violates RSA 664:14. The mailer does not identify the party responsible for sending the mailer but uses a United States Postal permit from Manchester, New Hampshire. The Election Law Unit is investigating this matter and has determined that the Postal permit belongs to Spectrum Printing. As of this time, Spectrum Printing is refusing to disclose the name of the party that paid for the mailer without a subpoena which the Election Law Unit is serving.

  • In Dalton, an unidentified mailer stating "Paid for by Citizens for Responsible Dalton Development" but without with an address, website, or individual's name was issued that violates RSA 664:14. Also, a political add in "The Coos County Democrat" that identified the Citizens for Responsible Dalton Development listing Eliot Wessler as a responsible individual has been published, but it does not provide any address. The Election Law Unit is investigating.

  • In Lyndeborough, an unidentified mailer and signs for Brianne Lavallee, Lucius Sorrentino, and Sarah Chadzynski, three school board candidates for SAU 63 have been issued/posted without disclaimer information showing the person responsible for the mailer or an address. This political advertising violates RSA 664:14. A United States Postal permit of "ECRWSS" "EDDM Retail" was used to mail this political advertising. The Election Law Unit is investigating and has spoken with two of the candidates on the mailer who say they are working on getting contact information for the entity that created the mailer.

  • In New Durham, an unidentified mailer "TCR/Concerned Citizens of New Durham" was sent with no address or name of an individual responsible which violates RSA 664:14. The Election Law Unit is investigating.

In each of these matters, the political advertising did not contain information identifying the party that paid for or distributed them. Under New Hampshire law, political advertising that does not have the required disclosure information can be removed by municipal maintenance personnel and law enforcement.

As the elections are so close, the identities of these individuals may not be known prior to the elections.  As a result, Attorney General Formella reminds voters to do their own research on candidates and warrant articles before they vote.