For Immediate Release
Date: April 14, 2022


Diane Murphy Quinlan, Assistant Director of Charitable Trusts
(603) 271-3591 |

Court Finds The Fab Family Fund, Inc., Shanna Pinet a/k/a Dr. Fabianna Marie, and David Pinet Violated Charitable Trusts Laws and Orders an Injunction, Restitution, Attorneys' Fees, and Civil Penalties

Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella announces that on January 4, 2022, the Rockingham County Superior Court ruled that The Fab Family Fund, Inc., Shanna Pinet, and David Pinet violated laws pertaining to charitable organizations, including deceptive fundraising, breach of fiduciary duties, and failure to comply with an administrative subpoena.

In September 2021, the Charitable Trusts Unit filed a civil complaint against The Fab Family Fund, Inc., a New Hampshire nonprofit corporation, Shanna Pinet a/k/a Dr. Fabianna Marie, the chief executive officer of The Fab Family Fund, and David Pinet, treasurer of The Fab Family Fund. The complaint alleged that the charity and the board members failed to comply with their obligations under New Hampshire law to register with the New Hampshire Attorney General. In addition, the lawsuit alleged that Shanna Pinet and David Pinet engaged in deceptive fundraising, breached their fiduciary duties to the charity, and unlawfully failed to respond to repeated requests for information and administrative subpoenas.

Specifically, the complaint alleged, among other things, that The Fab Family Fund claimed on its Facebook page and website that it was a "501(c)(3) nonprofit," but it did not receive such recognition from the Internal Revenue Service. The complaint also alleged that the organization conducted many fundraisers, including a "zoom chat" with "Dr. Fab, the Naturopathic Doctor," on "Demystifying Breast Cancer," but Shanna Pinet a/k/a "Dr. Fab" was not licensed as a naturopathic doctor in New Hampshire or elsewhere in the United States. There is no evidence that any funds raised actually supported the organization's mission to "educate, facilitate and grant Breast Cancer Thrivers and their families an all-expense paid trip for solace and healing."

On November 10, 2021, the Court issued a notice of default against the defendants and on January 4, 2022, the Court granted the Motion for Entry of Final Judgment. The Court ordered that The Fab Family Fund be dissolved as a New Hampshire voluntary corporation. In addition, the Court ordered that Shanna Pinet and David Pinet be permanently enjoined a) from holding any position of authority with any New Hampshire charitable organization and b) from establishing or working for any nonprofit organization related to breast cancer for a period of ten years. The Court ordered that Shanna Pinet and David Pinet pay $5,794 in restitution, $15,287 to the Attorney General for attorneys' fees and costs, and $40,000 in civil penalties.

Attorneys Thomas Donovan and Diane Quinlan of the Charitable Trusts Unit prosecuted the case.

The Charitable Trusts Unit, under the direction of the Attorney General, exercises all the common law and statutory rights, duties and powers in connection with the supervision, administration and enforcement of charitable trusts, charitable solicitations, and charitable sales promotions. Visit for information about the Charitable Trusts Unit and resources for charities and executives.