For Immediate Release
Date: July 24, 2014


Jane E. Young, Associate Attorney General Chief, Criminal Bureau
(603) 545-9282

Update in Abigail Hernandez Investigation

Supervisory Senior Resident Agent in Charge William Scott O'Donnell announce that they are seeking information regarding the identity of the man depicted in this sketch. Law enforcement authorities have been provided information from Abigail Hernandez that the man depicted in the sketch drove her away on October 9, 2013, between 2:20 and 3:00 pm. At the time, the man was driving a navy blue pick-up truck on North South Road in Conway, north of the rotary. Abigail described the man as having darkish skin, dark brown eyes, black stubble facial hair, and a large build, who was slightly overweight and slightly taller than she was (5'4").

While the investigation remains on-going, law enforcement authorities are still attempting to ascertain and confirm information as to whether this man or any others who may have been involved with Abigail's disappearance took her against her will, enticed her away, detained her or concealed her whereabouts for the last nine months. As law enforcement authorities have maintained throughout this investigation, Abigail was 14 years old at the time of her disappearance and had no known means to facilitate her disappearance on her own or provide herself with food, shelter and other necessities over the past nine months. It is a felony for any person to take, (or cause to) entice away, detain or conceal any child under the age of 18 who is unrelated by blood. Should the investigation reveal evidence that a crime was committed, in regard to any aspect of this investigation, then all appropriate charges will be brought.

Attorney General Foster said, "We are all pleased Abigail was returned safely to her family. Law enforcement officers must now obtain satisfactory answers to the questions surrounding the facts and circumstances of Abigail's disappearance and nine month absence. The individual or individuals who were involved with her disappearance and absence will now have to face the consequences of any unlawful actions. Finding these answers and assuring the perpetrator is brought to justice will help ensure a similar act is not committed against another child."

Because the investigation is on-going and there remain many unanswered questions regarding this case, the public is reminded to remain vigilant.

Anyone who recognizes the man depicted in the attached sketch is asked to contact the New Hampshire State Police at (603) 271-3636 or the Conway Police Department at (603) 356-5715.