For Immediate Release
Date: June 14, 2024


Michael S. Garrity, Director of Communications
(603) 931-9375 |

Statement on Senate Bill 591 Being Signed Into Law

Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella issued the following statement regarding Governor Sununu signing Senate Bill 591 into law:

“Governor Sununu’s signature of SB 591 is a significant step forward in our commitment to justice and healing for YDC victims. The passage of this legislation represents a thoughtful compromise between the State and plaintiffs’ counsel, reflecting our shared dedication to providing victims with a fair and efficient resolution process. We believe that this new framework will offer a meaningful alternative to traditional litigation for the vast majority of victims, while also ensuring budgetary certainty and protecting the interests of taxpayers. I am grateful to the Governor and legislature for their support and to my team here at the New Hampshire Department of Justice for their tireless efforts in developing and improving this process. Our sincere appreciation also goes to plaintiffs’ counsel, especially the attorneys at Rilee & Associates and Nixon Peabody, for their constructive engagement in negotiations. As we move forward, we are committed to working closely with Administrator Broderick, plaintiffs’ counsel, and, most importantly, the victims themselves, to ensure that the implementation of these changes is conducted with fairness, respect, and efficiency. Together, we are dedicated to providing victims with the justice and closure they deserve.”