For Immediate Release
Date: October 26, 2015


James C. Vara , Senior Assistant Attorney General Drug Prosecution Unit
(603) 271-3671

Michael Millette pleads guilty to selling Fentanyl that resulted in Edward Martin, III's death

Attorney General Joseph A. Foster and Chief Paul Smith of the Littleton Police Department announce that on October 26, 2015, Michael Millette, age 54, of Littleton, pled guilty to Sale of a Controlled Drug, Death Resulting, two counts of Sale of a Controlled Drug, and Possession of a Controlled Drug with Intent to Sell. Pursuant to the terms of the negotiated disposition, Mr. Millette was sentenced to the New Hampshire State Prison for 10 to 30 years, stand committed. 2 ½ years of the minimum sentence was suspended for 10 years, based on Mr. Millette's acceptance and responsibility. In addition, Mr. Millette must not have any disciplinary violations for drug-related conduct while at the New Hampshire State Prison. Finally, Mr. Millette received suspended prison sentences that the State could seek to impose if Mr. Millette fails to remain of good behavior upon his release from State Prison.

The investigation which led to Mr. Millette's arrest began in November 2014, was conducted by the Littleton Police Department and the New Hampshire Attorney General's Drug Task Force. The investigation revealed that Mr. Millette sold fentanyl to Edward Martin, III, which resulted in his death. Additionally, Mr. Millette was a substantial drug dealer in the Littleton area.

Attorney General Foster said: "Edward Martin, III's death, like so many others that the State has experienced, is a tragedy. It highlights the problem of prescription opiate, heroin and fentanyl abuse that has been growing steadily and remains one of the greatest challenges facing law enforcement here in New Hampshire and nationwide. While a solution to this problem is multi-faceted and must involve education, prevention, and treatment, an important part of the solution will continue to be identifying, arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating heroin and fentanyl dealers like Michael Millette."