For Immediate Release
Date: October 28, 2021


Geoffrey W. R. Ward, Senior Assistant Attorney General Chief, Criminal Justice Bureau
(603) 271-3671 |
Timothy J. Sullivan, Senior Assistant Attorney General Chief, Public Integrity Unit

Investigation Into Criminal Allegations Against Former Bow Chief of Police Margaret Lougee

Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella announces that an investigation has been completed into allegations made against Margaret Lougee, the former Chief of the Bow Police Department. On December 22, 2020, the Attorney General's Office was notified of an allegation involving Ms. Lougee and her role in a juvenile sexual assault investigation.

That allegation was thoroughly investigated and reviewed by the Office of the Attorney General. During the course of the investigation, evidence was discovered that Chief Lougee failed to audio record an interview with a juvenile, in violation of RSA 169-C:38.

Based on its investigation, the Office of the Attorney General has concluded that there is probable cause to bring one charge of violating RSA 169-C:38 against Ms. Lougee. However, because of the defenses available to Ms. Lougee, the Office of the Attorney General concluded that the State would have difficulty prevailing at trial in this matter.

Under these circumstances and in the interest of justice, the Office of the Attorney General and Ms. Lougee have reached a resolution. Ms. Lougee had previously resigned from her position as the Chief of Bow Police Department on May 1, 2021. Ms. Lougee has agreed not to seek recertification as a police officer for a period of two years beginning on October 18, 2021. The Office of the Attorney General has agreed that it will not bring charges against Ms. Lougee.

The Office of the Attorney General's file in this matter will remain open for a period of two years to monitor Ms. Lougee's adherence to the terms and conditions of the agreement, at which time the Office of the Attorney General will close the matter with no further action. In the event Ms. Lougee does not abide by the terms of the agreement, the Office of the Attorney General may bring forward the criminal charges against Ms. Lougee. Given this resolution, the Office of the Attorney General will take no further action at this time in this matter.

The Attorney General's Office investigates and prosecutes crimes involving the public integrity of state officials, including members of local police departments. Senior Assistant Attorney General Timothy J. Sullivan, Chief of the Public Integrity Unit, and Deputy Investigator Todd Flanagan led the Office's efforts in this matter.