For Immediate Release
Date: August 31, 2016


Christopher G. Aslin, Assistant Attorney General
(603) 271-3679

DG Whitefield, LLC fined $44,100 for Air Emission Violation

Attorney General Joseph A. Foster and Commissioner Thomas Burack of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services ("NHDES") announce that the Coos County Superior Court approved a consent decree between the State and DG Whitefield, LLC ("DG Whitefield") resolving allegations of violations of the State's Air Pollution Control Act (RSA 125-C) and associated administrative rules at DG Whitefield's biomass-fired electric generation facility in Whitefield, New Hampshire. The decree assesses a total civil penalty of $44,100, to be paid in two installments.

DG Whitefield owns and operates a wood-fired electric power plant under a Title V operating permit issued by NHDES in 2012. Pursuant to the permit, the facility is subject to an emissions limit for particulate matter ("PM") of 0.10 lb/MMBtu of heat input. In 2015, DG Whitefield performed a compliance stack test for PM, which showed PM emissions of 0.16 lb/MMBtu – approximately 60% above the permitted emissions limit. DG Whitefield timely reported the emission exceedance to DES, as required by rule, and promptly took steps to bring the facility back into compliance. A subsequent stack test on June 30, 2015 showed the facility was operating in compliance with its permitted PM emissions limit.

"We are pleased with the settlement agreement reached with DG Whitefield for the emissions violations at its Whitefield facility. This case demonstrates the importance of monitoring and timely reporting by major permitted facilities to quickly address emissions exceedances," said Thomas Burack, DES Commissioner. "Protecting the quality of our air and the health of our citizens is a critical role of our regulatory system, and the penalties assessed as part of this settlement are designed to ensure that DG Whitefield and other facility operators comprehend the importance of full compliance with air pollution control rules and careful maintenance of emitting facilities," said Attorney General Joseph Foster.

A copy of the consent decree is attached.