For Immediate Release
Date: June 11, 2024


Michael S. Garrity, Director of Communications
(603) 931-9375 |

Attorney General Formella Endorses the Child Exploitation and Artificial Intelligence Expert Commission Act of 2024

Concord, NH - As part of a bipartisan coalition of 44 state and territory attorneys general, Attorney General John M. Formella joined a letter sent to U.S. House leadership endorsing the Child Exploitation and Artificial Intelligence Expert Commission Act of 2024. The Act was sponsored by Rep. Nick Langworthy (R-NY) and co-sponsored by a bipartisan 16-member coalition.

The Act would establish a commission to “investigate and make recommendations on solutions to improve the ability of a law enforcement agency to prevent, detect, and prosecute child exploitation crimes committed using artificial intelligence.”

"Protecting our children from exploitation in the digital age is paramount. As Attorney General of New Hampshire, I am proud to endorse the Child Exploitation and Artificial Intelligence Expert Commission Act of 2024. This bipartisan effort recognizes the dual nature of AI, acknowledging its potential for good while also addressing the urgent need for safeguards against its misuse,” said Attorney General Formella. “By establishing this commission, we are taking proactive steps to ensure that our law enforcement agencies have the necessary tools and resources to combat the evolving threats posed by AI-enabled crimes against children. Together, with my counterparts from across the nation, we stand united in our commitment to safeguarding our most vulnerable population and holding perpetrators accountable."

In the letter, the attorneys general note that while AI can be a useful tool for changing the world for the better, it also carries risks. “A knife or hammer is a useful tool in the right hands. But in the wrong hands, it's a dangerous weapon. It's the same with AI,” the attorneys general write in the letter. “We are hopeful the creation and work of this commission will result in appropriate safety measures and updates to existing laws so we can protect children from being digitally exploited and hold criminals accountable.”

The Child Exploitation and Artificial Intelligence Expert Commission Act of 2024 was sponsored following a September 2023 letter coordinated by the National Association of Attorneys General that was signed by 54 state attorneys general