For Immediate Release
Date: June 15, 2016


Brooksley Belanger, Assistant Attorney General Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
(603) 271-1246

Attorney General Announces Medicaid Settlement with Salix Pharmaceuticals

Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Pays $54 Million Dollars to Resolve False Claims Allegations

Attorney General Joseph A. Foster announced on June 15, 2016 that New Hampshire has joined with other states and the federal government to settle allegations that Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. paid kickbacks to improperly promote various drugs and medical devices. Salix, a Delaware corporation headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, will pay the states and the federal government $54 million dollars, of which $16,578,000.00 will go to the Medicaid programs to resolve civil allegations that Salix's unlawful promotion of Xifaxan, Apriso, Relistor, MoviPrep, OsmoPrep, Solesta, and Deflux caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs.

Specifically, the agreement resolves allegations that the company paid kickbacks, including honoraria and meals, to health care professionals as an inducement to recommend, promote and prescribe certain Salix products.

As part of the settlement, New Hampshire will receive $15,819.91 in restitution and other recoveries.