
Once charitable organizations grow large enough to hire staff, the board of directors should assign management authority to them, so that the board can focus on its governance responsibility. To perform their jobs well, nonprofit executives must understand the legal and financial requirements for running an organization, and must keep up with best practices in the sector.

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How to Maintain Your Organization's Tax-Exempt Status

How to Maintain Your Organization's Tax-Exempt Status

The IRS's Maintaining 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status course discusses what charitable volunteers and employees must do to maintain their organization's tax exempt status and the actions that can result in its revocation. The IRS's Small to Mid-Size 501(c)(3) Organization Workshop provides additional information on the expectations of tax-exempt organizations.

How to Start a Charity

Steps needed to start a charity in NH.

 Here are some resources to help charity executives with their work:

Documents for Executives

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