Registered Charities

The Charitable Trusts Unit maintains a directory of charitable trusts pursuant to 7:32-a and Jus 406. The directory includes all charitable trusts, as that term is defined in RSA 7:21, II(a), including all charitable organizations, as that term is defined in RSA 7:21, II(b), currently registered with the Charitable Trusts Unit.

Please note that some of the organizations registered with the Charitable Trusts Unit and listed in the directory may not be tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, but they nevertheless have registered. Use the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search Tool to check an organization's tax-exempt status.

The directory below includes the name, address, registration number, and status of each charitable trust. The directory also shows when each organization's next annual report is due.

The status of each charitable trust is identified as follows:

  • G = "Good standing," which shall mean that the charitable trust is properly registered, is not more than 6 months in arrears in its submission of complete annual reports, has otherwise complied with statutory and rule requirements, and is not currently subject to any form of sanction, revocation, or penalty by the charitable trusts unit or by a court or regulatory agency of the United States government, New Hampshire, or another state. Jus 406.02(a)(4)(a).
  • X = "Not in good standing," which shall mean that the charitable trust is not properly registered, is more than 6 months in arrears in its submission of complete annual reports, has otherwise failed to comply with statutory or rule requirements, currently is subject to sanction, revocation, or penalty by the charitable trusts unit or by a court or regulatory agency of the United States government, New Hampshire, or another state. Jus 406.02(a)(4)(b).
  • S = "Suspended from filing requirements," which shall mean that the charitable trust has filed an application to suspend for a period of years its annual report requirement pursuant to RSA 7:28, III and Jus 404.03, and the application has been granted. Jus 406.02(a)(4)(c).

The fact that a charitable trust is listed in the directory in good standing shall not be proof that the entity is in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Registered Charities